By nature we as humans are used to influence and be influenced by each other. How useful would it be if you could use this influence to boost yourself up in just 2 minutes?

What do you do when you are successful or when you have achieved something?

Exactly, you put your arms in the air, and maybe it is even accompanied by a sound. So, by nature, you know this posture. Your arms in a ā€˜Vā€™ and your chin up a little. And this may differ per person; one may do so a bit more exuberantly than the other, but the posture is more or less the same.

And the fun part is that you can always evoke this in times when you are in need of it, because your body and brain know the posture and what it means. So, if you use this consciously, you will feel much better.

How to?

It is very easy to apply. Do this before you go to an important conversation, presentation, meeting, or any other situation that makes you feel insecure. Make sure you can stand somewhere where you will not be disturbed for 2 minutes. Get into the power pose:

  1. Stand firmly on both legs, with both legs slightly spreading
  2. Raise both arms in the air in a ā€˜Vā€™
  3. Raise your chin slightly and
  4. Stand for 2 minutes.

Wondering if it really works? Go crazy and just give it a try. I am curious about your experience!

If you want to know more about this, click here for an extensive video of 20 minutes.


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